Yes, hotels are notified of your booking on their Daycation Dashboard as soon as it happens, and they will reserve enough pool chairs for you and your guests.
Our standard cancellation policy is any Daycation canceled before 10AM on the date of arrival is fully refunded. Under certain circumstances, hotels may have a different cancellation policy, so we always recommend checking the hotel's cancellation policy listed on its page.
Unless otherwise stated under a package's details, you pay the full amount online.
If you ask at the front desk, most hotels will agree to store your luggage free of charge.
The standard Daycation hours are 10AM-6PM, though that's subject to change, so we always recommend checking the Daycation hours listed on hotels' pages.
All you need to check-in is a valid photo ID, and your confirmation. Once you book, the hotel is immediately notified of your reservation and will be expecting you. No need to print anything as long as you can access your confirmation email.